Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lose the Belly - a Weight Loss App

If you happen to be one of the 50 million people who use an iPhone or iTouch check out these two free apps on losing the belly. They are each a collection of the 15 best videos you will find on YouTube to help you lose weight. Included is diet and exercise advice.

One is aimed at men with more emphasis on building six-pack abs Lose the Belly for Men and the other is for women, with more emphasis on yoga poses Lose the Belly for Women. Both apps include some of the best advice for what foods to eat for weight loss.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Diabetes without Insulin

The Los Angeles Times has five stories of people who were diagnosed with diabetes but who later kicked the insulin habit with diet and exercise. See their inspiring stories here.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hidup Sederhana

Pada dasarnya manusia mempunyai kecendrungan terhadap harta benda, berupa makanan, pakaian, uang dan sebagainya. Untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya maka manusia berikhtiar dengan berbagai cara, seperti berdagang, bercocok tanam, menjadi buruh, karyawan serta profesi lainnya.

Kecintaan terhadap harta benda akan meningkat dengan bertambahnya usia dan bertambahnya pengetahuan, adakalanya orang kaya akan makin rajin berusaha dan kadangkala melupakan kewajiban lainnya, bahkan melupakan Allah Swt.

Disamping harta itu banyak manfaatnya bagi manusia adakalanya harta itu menyibukkan dan dapat merusak jiwa dengan berbagai macam penyakit, berupa tidak enak makan.

Harta bukanlah jaminan untuk mendapat kebahagiaan, karena kebahagiaan tidak terletak pada materi, atau harta benda yang melimpah ruah. Kebahagiaan yang hakiki terletak pada bathin atau jiwa sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah Saw : "Kekayaan itu tidak terletak pada harta yang banyak, sesungguhnya kekayaan itu adalah kaya Jiwa (yakni senang hati)".(HR:Muttafaq 'alaih).

Membelanjakan harta yang bersifat tengah-tengah membutuhkan perhitungan yang matang, dengan memperhitungkan uang yang ada dan barang yang dibutuhkan dengan sederhana. Agar kebutuhan yang kita laksanakan menjadikan hidup kita hidup yang sederhana dengan tidak mengumbar harta benda dengan berlebihan, tatkala itu semua menjadikan akhir hidup kita dengan kemelaratan.

Tidak sedikit orang yang hidup di dunia ini mengejar harta dan materi yang berlebihan, tidak mengenal siang dan malam, tidak mengenal istirahat bahkan sampai melupakan Tuhan yang menciptakannya, berakibat fatal bagi hidupnya. Karena kalau harta yang dikejarnya tidak kesampaian, atau habis terbakar, dicuri dan dirampok dan sejenisnya bisa membawa mereka kepada Stres bahkan sampai menjadi gila.

Oleh karena itu apabila kita hidup dengan Qana'ah, Insya Allah ketengan hidup akan diperoleh, baik di dunia ataupun di akhirat kelak.. Amin.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Take exercise

Regular, moderate exercise is good for our immune system. It reduces the risk of common infections such as colds and flu. It also helps protect us from several serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.

The Department of Health recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of at least moderate intensity activity on five days a week or more. You don't have

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hair problems?

Women who have an eating disorder often can't recognize the problem or they try to hide it, making diagnosis difficult. But a new method involving hair analysis may provide a more objective means of determining whether someone is a sufferer. As hair grows continuously by adding new proteins (the make-up of which is influenced by a person's nutritional state and eating patterns), each follicle

Losing Weight at Age 30

Roseann lost and gained many dozens of pounds when she was in her twenties. When she turned 30 however, she decided to make a major lifestyle change. She went on to lose 90 pounds.

She has maintained her weight (150 pounds at 5'10 tall) for 17 years now.

Check out her weight loss story and before and after pics here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Taking the Stairs

A Stockholm subway station found a way to get more people to take the stairs rather than the escalator. See the video below.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Talk to your doctor

Doctors find it more difficult to diagnose complex pain in women than men due to poor communication. New research suggests that women with chronic pain tend to give brief, vague details, while men readily describe their chronic pain in precise symptom-based facts. This means that doctors are better able to diagnose the sources of chronic pain in men, which may lead to more appropriate treatments

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Simple diet tips

Try these easy ways to improve digestion.
• Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
• Replace white bread with wholemeal, granary or multi-grain varieties.
• Serve casseroles and curries with brown rice or wholewheat pasta.
• In baking recipes, replace white flour with wholemeal, buckwheat or unrefined rye flour.
• Add cooked barley, wheat or seeds to salads.
• Eat a pot of

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nutrients help fight flu

A nutritional supplement containing antioxidants, minerals and other nutrients was found to help immune function and reduce risk of infection in frail older people, according to a US study.

Fifty-two nursing-home residents aged 65 and over were given an experimental supplement, while 40 others received a standard liquid nutrition product.

Participants were immunized against the flu four weeks

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Health and fertility

Being healthy is crucial for both of you if you're trying to conceive.
• Diet- A nutritious, balanced diet will help ensure you are healthy enough to conceive and to nourish a growing baby. A healthy diet benefits sperm production.
• Weight - Being under or overweight can disrupt hormone balance, which can reduce fertility. Women who are very active or have a low level of body fat may not ovulate

Monday, October 12, 2009

Benefits from folic acid

If you're concerned about hearing loss as you get older, taking a supplement of folic acid may prove to be the solution. New Dutch research - conducted in Switzerland and published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine - reports favourable results for this B vitamin following a study of 728 participants between the ages of 50 and 70. Half the study group received 800 micrograms of folate (

Getting the Motivation to Exercise

Here are a couple of great motivational videos encouraging us to exercise on a regular basis.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Breast Cancer

Scientists have long known about two specific mutations of genes that significantly increase a woman's risk of breast cancer, but these mutations are extremely rare. Now, two recent studies, one in Britain and one in the US, have identified four more genes that could indicate increased susceptibility to breast cancer. 'What we hope is that each of these genes will lead us to better understand the

Friday, October 9, 2009

Omega-3 may reduce dementia

Research suggests that older people who regularly consume oils high in omega-3 are 60% less likely to develop dementia than those who do not. Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids believed to have a number of significant health benefits. The French-funded study examined the diets of more than 8,000 people over the age of 65. None had dementia when the study commenced, but after four years

Thursday, October 8, 2009

5 hearty things to do today

There are simple steps you can take to improve your heart health, which will also be good for your overall health. The more changes you make, the greater the benefits.
Leave your car at home and walk to the supermarket.
Go for a brisk 30-minute walk in your lunch hour. Or get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way.
Put on some lively music and dance in the living room.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Benefits from Lemon Tea

We should take lemon in tea as it has many good benefits to our body. According to health mag, a dash of lemon juice could enhance the health benefits of green tea, according to a US study. Researchers tested citrus juices, milk and other substances often added to tea by putting them through a model simulating human digestion. The aim was to test their effect on catechins, naturally occurring

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Benefits of the sunshine

Vitamin D may help slow the ageing process, suggests a study at King's College London. Among 2,160 women aged 18 to 79, those with high levels of vitamin D had longer telomeres, which are part of our DNA. As we get older, our telomeres get shorter and are more prone to age-associated illnesses, so longer ones indicate a biologically younger body. Lead researcher Dr Brent Richards said, 'This may

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ways to prevent indigestion

Here are 10 ways you can help prevent indigestion
Eat little and regularly to avoid an acid build-up.
Eat slowly. It gives your digestive system time to crank into action.
Cut out, or eat less of, any foods that seem to induce your symptoms.
Keep a food diary to help you identify the foods that give you indigestion. Note what you eat and when, plus the times at which symptoms occur.
If you smoke,

Patient Weight Loss

John used to weigh 227 pounds. Now, two years later his weight is in the 150's. He's adhered to a slow weight loss program, and hasn't wanted to lose more than one pound a week. It's worked out great for him. He's reached his ideal weight and feels much healthier now. See his story here.

Image via

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How to keep the blood pressure down

There are simple steps you can take to lower your blood pressure, which will also be good for your overall health. The more changes you make, the greater the benefits. Based on our own experience, these simple steps really helps my father to lower his BP.

Cut down on salt - don't add it to your food, choose natural rather than processed foods and check the labels. Adults should have no more than

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Acid Reflux

Here are the most common reasons why others suffered from Acid Reflux. Try to avoid the following:
eating a large meal
spicy or fatty foods
smoking, which makes the sphincter more relaxed
long gaps between meals, which allow stomach acid to build up
pregnancy - the growing baby pushes the stomach closer to the esophagus
particular foods: oranges and chocolate make the sphincter more relaxed;

Friday, October 2, 2009

Simple ways to keep energy levels constant

Hear are four simple ways to keep you energy levels constant.

Always eat breakfast. After 10-12 hours without food your blood sugar levels are low and you need to eat to refuel and give your body energy. There are other benefits to breakfast - research shows that people who eat breakfast are more productive and focused during the morning, control their weight better and consume more nutrients

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How to remove warts?

While I was reading a magazine about health, I found and learned that the tea tree oil could help get rid your warts. Doctors at Belfast City Hospital reported that a 12-year-old girl who rubbed the oil into her warts found they disappeared after 12 days (they hang around for anything between several weeks and two years without treatment). Tea tree oil has antiviral properties ad so could help
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