Sunday, January 31, 2010

High Fiber Low Carb Foods

When most people hear low carb and high fiber diet they think of raw carrots, rice cakes and celery sticks. A high fiber low carb diet can be delicious and full of variety if you select carefully.
Think about high fiber food as similar to the high protein, low carb diet plan, with more meat, veggies, and beneficial carbs, which you will have in smaller quantities. Many places offer different options for low carb high fiber choices if you know where to start looking.

There are a lot of menus out there that can guide you on a low carb high fiber diet. Check for resources such as diet and weight loss sites, forums, and blogs on the Internet. Many of these sites offer diet plans and recipes that are tasty and filling and allow you to lose weight quickly. Just remember that you need to stick to the diet at least 90% of the time for it to be effective.
Low carb high fiber foods are currently available on a lot of menus at the restaurants where you dine out. The reason for this is because restaurants are aware of their customer's desire to slim down their bodies and they are attempting to support them by giving them the right type of food that will conform to the standards of high protein low carb diets.
If restaurants don't offer low carb high fiber foods, they'll generally allow you to modify menu items to suit your needs without having to cheat on your diet. If you dislike dining out, but detest cooking, an alternative choice is to purchase frozen or pre-cooked entrees from the supermarket or gourmet food stores that are designed specifically for individuals following low carb high fiber diet plans.

For more rapid results, be certain to do a lot of exercising while you continue with your low carb high fiber foods eating plan. Taking a walk for 30 to 45 minutes is a highly effective way to reduce your weight. Walking is a low impact exercise; it is simple and very enjoyable. The time will go by pleasantly if you take an IPod or any kind of MP3 gadget along with you.
Exercise is an important component to your low carb diet. You are more likely to keep up with your exercise routine if it is low impact and fun. A brisk walk outside is an excellent way to exercise. You can invigorate your mind and body while enjoying the great outdoors. Once you start seeing and feeling the pounds drop away, you'll be more inclined to stick with eating your low carb high fiber foods and enjoy a healthier life.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Is The Best Way To Lose 20 Pounds ?

By Caitlyn Sierra

Many people in our society are constantly struggling with ways to lose weight; chances are you have decided to come to the internet in hopes of finding the best way to lose 20 pounds. People everywhere are constantly starting new weight loss programs; however many of them never reach their weight loss goals. You should know that if you are serious about losing weight you are going to have to begin changing your eating habits and stop eating all that junk.
Whether you are looking for the best way to lose 20 pounds or more; you can do it and all you have to do is change what you are currently doing. After all if you continue doing what you have been doing you can not expect different results.
Many people will never lose the weight that they say that they want to lose because they are lazy and not willing to put forth the energy that it is going to take to shed those pounds. One of the things that you are going to have to do is begin exercising on a daily basis and begin eating the right types of food.
We are allowing our children to become obese because they see us sitting in front of the television and they tend to believe that this is good behavior. When you begin exercising and eating the right types of food then they will begin to follow your behaviors. It is up to you to begin showing your kids the positive behaviors that can change both of your lives.
If you are looking for the best way to lose 20 pounds you are going to have to find a program that you like. Now is the time to stop jumping from one fad diet to the next. Most people will keep jumping from one weight loss program to the next. You have to be willing to give your new program at least 6 months; as long as you follow that program the way that it is supposed to be in 6 months you will see a change in your body.
Stop making up all those excuses that you have had in the past. You can continue reading all kinds of information about weight loss and how to do it; however you will never lose weight. No one is keeping you overweight and it is time to stop blaming your heredity. Just because you have failed in the past does not mean that you can not reach your weight loss goals.
Stop by and visit our site below right now for the best way to lose 20 pounds you will be amazed at how many people have been able to shed those unwanted pounds. You owe it to yourself to get back into shape and love your body again.

5 Little Things to Keep Your Diet Under Control Easily

By Thong M. Dao

If you are attempting to lose weight, a correct diet is the way to go. Because of our hectic lifestyle, we tend to cheat every now and then. But you should always stick to certain healthy foods on a daily basis.

Should you deviate from your perfect healthy diet, these 5 steps will prevent your body from going too far from your ideal weight and get you back on track.
1. Organic fruit. At least 2 servings of fruit should be consumed daily. You can also eat fruits by making a smoothie and breaking it into 2 parts, so you have one already made for later. Not only is it delicious, it will help you stay on track.
2. Organic veggies. We all have to eat veggies each day, it's part of the suggested daily rations. They keep us healthy and provide a good source of fiber which is helpful in many ways.

If you have a hard time consuming vegetables, try to include some green leafy veggies in with your daily smoothies. It would come as a nice surprise to you that this is exceedingly tasty.
3. Sprouting is a very simple process. Just get some seeds which you can germinate, like wheat berries or lentils, place them in a jar to soak for several hours, then drain the water off.
Lightly wet them 2 times per day and they will germinate fairly quickly. Get some of these whenever you feel hungry for their marvelous health benefits.
4. Aside from fish and meat, taking flaxseed oil on a daily basis is a great way to get Omega 3 fatty acids. When this becomes a part of your daily life, you will be amazed to note that it makes so much difference in the way you feel and your health.
5. Water. While not a food, it's something we all need and a lot of us don't get enough. Consume half of your body weight everyday in ounces along with a pinch of sea salt for every 16 ounces.
You would be surprised at the difference this makes in your overall health. Try it for just one week and see what it can do for you.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Easy Ways To Lose Weight

By Christopher Rom

Are you ready to try to control your weight. Almost everyone who loses weight has tried many times to get rid of the extra weight they feel they need to loss. Finding the right path to weight loss is like finding soul mate. So don't look at past weight loss attempts as dead ends it never helps. They're just stages to your success.
Practical things to consider. Commit to the rules, follow and figure out some logistics. How will you follow your plan? Do you have a support system that includes a health care professional, your family, and your friends? Do I need to see a doctor before starting a weight loss program?
If you don't have a chronic illness or take regular medications, you don't really need medical supervision when you're starting a weight loss program. There are hundreds of diet books out there, and I doubt that following any of them would cause any harm. While a really extreme diet could be risky. However including your doctor as part of your support system and ideally as a lifestyle coach he can help you monitor your progress as well as provide external accountability.
The plan that works for you isn't for everyone. Each individual will have one best dietary approach. There is a big area of eating strategies -- dozens of approaches -- that all work well for weight loss and overall health improvement. The most important thing is to find one that will work for you, because commitment, rather than diet type, is the key to success. Good plans tend to have some common features. Often they include a daily food chart with calorie counting, adherence to your eating plan, and approximately seven hours a week of exercise, cardio and strength training would be very beneficial.
Now you're really going to stick to it, a good plan will produce 8 to 10% weight loss in three to four months and up to 15 to 20% weight loss in one year. Less effort will typically produce 5% weight loss in three to four months and 10% weight loss at a year.People often say that losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is the best way. But typically more than that in the short term and less than that in the long term. It doesn't really matter if someone's losing 3 to 4 pounds a week at the beginning of the life style change.
Motivation is crucial for long-term success. You might be rewarded and start fitting into smaller-sized clothes maybe even the one's from when you were in high school, and get compliments on how you look. But the rate of weight loss inevitably slows, so then the motivation must come from within.You must remind yourself of the reasons you are taking care of your body and putting in the effort. Keep a written list of reasons and refer to them often. A photo of yourself at your start weight can be a helpful reminder of how far you've come.
Having others who will help you stick to your plan is a big benefit. A personal trainer, or your health care provider, or a support group of some kind. The more authority you give them and the accountability you feel to them, the more likely you are to maintain your weight loss. You may want to find someone who isn't so polite -- often, the drill sergeant approach is the most effective.
We all eat for comfort at times, some people have a problem with emotional eating. Resolving the underlying causes or stress is the first thing you need to do. Over eaters Anonymous and similar groups can also be very helpful. Many find simple logical solutions, getting junk food or other trigger foods out of the house -- can work really well. Everybody -- your friends, your family and your doctor want you to succeed. But your losing weight can trigger unhelpful responses in some people.
Gorging is fun at that time. But the unhealthy type is not good and we don't like to chow down alone. We do it with friends or family. So if you've changed your eating habits, it may be hard for the people around you to accept that you're not taking part. They also may also get annoyed at all the time you spend at the gym or feel jealous of your success.So expect some weight loss sabotage. You may need to distance yourself from people who are counterproductive to your efforts. Before that, be firm. They might be testing you, to see how serious you are about the life change. So stay firm, you may find that a lot of people back off and stop undermining you.
Some people may have mixed feelings about what you're doing. It's a challenge to figure out how to squeeze enough exercise into your life. Nevertheless, you manage to practice what you preach, and in response to each individual unique challenge you will find what works for you the best, whether it is cutting sugars, carbs, or the amount of food you intake.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lose Weight With Fat Loss For Idiots

By Sonja Schuyler

Other than physical appearance, weight affects a person in many ways. Excessive weight affects the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical incapabilities. Weight loss can bring a lot of positive changes. It is for this reason why a lot of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely trim down those fats and get a super slim head turner body.
Because of the constant advertising of low-calorie food products and beverages, most people think that cutting calories with low calorie foods will shed their unwanted fat. People don't realize that this could be dangerous.
When people decrease their calorie intake below the required levels, the body begins to digest the fats. Sounds good, but it isn't. Burning fat requires a lot of energy. Since there is not much energy in the body to facilitate metabolism of fat, it will run at a very slow pace and result in fatigue, illness and weak immune system.
A low calorie diet will result in the body burning muscle. Most people find this kind of diet unsatisfying and will revert back to their old eating habits. Unfortunately, they end up gaining back some, if not all the weight they have lost. They will gain back mostly fats. Since fats have more volume per mass than muscle, they end up weighing the same as before but have more bulk.
I you are ready to lose weight , I would like to suggest Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It is a great way to lose weight. Food is not the enemy. Food is like a LIGHT SWITCH which can turn Fat Burning ON or OFF. Food is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pill.
We all know the food we eat makes us fat or thin. I bet you didn't know most people are overweight because they are eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and eating meals in the wrong patterns each day.
You will lose 9 pounds every 11 days until you reach your final goal. Easy to follow menus. No pre-packaged foods or no drugs or supplements. Learn how to order foods at restaurants and still lose weight. Learn what the top fat burning foods are. You will have access to a personalized diet generator.
You cannot get slimmer until you change your eating habits. Low calorie, low fat, and low carb diets are not the best way to lose weight. Losing weight means opening up to a more full and healthy life. A life that allows you to feel good about the way you look and being able to do whatever you want to do.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weight Loss Is The Hot Topic On Everyones Agenda

By Josh Wintrop

In the media today, one term that we all hear is weight loss. There are a plethora of people that are suffering with this dilemma and require some means of assistance in order to get over it. With the obesity rate in the nation being extremely high, its seldom that you find someone that is not interested in losing some weight.
The hype around weight loss is a big one. There are so many different pills, drinks and magic formulas that are supposed to allow you the opportunity to lose the weight that ails you in a faster sense. We have all seen the redundant messages proclaiming that weight loss can be achieved if we use a certain supplement or pill for an elongated frame of time.
There are countless people that have given into these gimmicks and have not seen any results. Most of the time the only thing that you get from these products is an empty pocketbook and no results.
As people begin to progressively catch on to the weight loss gimmicks that are being pushed around all over the net and retail stores. Many people are turning their attention to a natural way to lose the weight that may be causing them heartache.
If you are opting to lose weight naturally you will need to incorporate two main factors into your daily routine. You will need an exercise regiment and you will need to transform your current diet.
A lot of people have a problem with dieting, some people feel they should not have to restrict themselves from food in order to lose weight. Well, the thing is you are not restricting yourself from food. You will still be able to eat, but you'll be aimed towards only consuming things that are good for you and will not threaten your cause.
Upon getting your diet set up to where it needs to be, you will then need to plan an exercise routine that can currently fit into your daily schedule. A lot of people despise exercising, yet this is the one sure fire way that you will be able to see the kind of weight loss that you desire.
According to trainers and doctors alike a normal person should commence in some sort of physical activity for at least one hour a day for the course of four days. Of course, you do have the option to exercise more at your leisure, but in many circumstances it is not relatively necessary.
Your excess weight does not need to be the death of you. There are many natural ways that you can lose weight, you just have to be willing to engage in these healthy habits.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally And Effectively

By Nick Gubbins

Would you like to lose a few pounds? Most people would. Some would like to lose only a couple, some maybe a lot more. Wherever you lie on the spectrum, you're not alone. It is no secret that more and more people are slowly but surely getting fatter and fatter.
I don't know about you, but I'd pay a lot for a magic pill that I could take before bedtime, and wake up the next day looking like a runway super model.
Unfortunately, they don't exist. Otherwise everybody would be skinny. Of course, there are many diets and programs that claim to help you lose weight quick in a short amount of time. But do they really work?
One issue is that if you lose too quickly, it usually comes back. And it brings more with it. I'm sure you've had this happen, like most of us. And each time it just seems to get harder and harder.
Another issue with this is that many times it's not healthy, both in the short term and the long term. Short term problems can be dehydration and chemical imbalances. Long term problems can be actually losing muscle mass instead of fat. You lose weight, but you still have dangerous fat.
So what are we left with if we really do want to lose weight fast? Most people are starting to realize the most effective way to rapid weight loss is through increasing your metabolism. When your metabolism is high enough, you can start to burn fat twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
How do you get to this level? By eating foods and doing exercises that support a naturally high metabolism. Good carbohydrates, good, natural fats found in fish, vegetables, and nuts, and lean protein.
Some really good exercises are those that build up your lean muscle mass. Low weight, high repetition exercises that work your large muscle groups. Legs, back, hips, thighs, core.
By doing the right exercises, and eating the right foods, your body will naturally revert to that sexy, slim shape that you were meant to have. And you'll never have to worry about dieting again.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Looking For The Best Way To Lose Fat?

By Thong M. Dao

I have been asked many times what is the best way to lose fat and I will usually respond with a generic answer: the best way to lose fat is to create a caloric deficit by combining a reduction of calorie intake with an increase of the calories burnt. This usually results in several annoyed looks because most people hope to hear some magical cure for excessive fat deposits.
If you turn on the TV or read magazines you have probably seen hundreds of different diets that all say they will work for you. Some will say that you can eat whatever you want to all the time and still lose weight. However, these types of diets are nothing more than a ploy to get your money and in most cases do not work. This article will give you a few tips on the best way to lose fat.
Making sure you have a diet that is full of things like fruits and vegetables is a good start. The first step is getting rid of fast food and anything else packed with calories, sugars, and the unwanted fat. These types of foods have empty calories and can cause your body to pack on the unwanted pounds.
The next tip when it comes to diet is making sure that you stay away from high calorie beverages. High calorie beverages that are full of sugars are terrible for your diet, and only lead to the ingestion of more calories when you eat. Drinking your calories and then eating on top of that is going to cause you to gain unwanted weight as well. Make sure that you drink water instead for the best way to lose fat.
Once you have gotten a good diet down it will be time to focus on what is important to your health. The first thing in order to burn the fat you are looking for is to make sure that you do some cardio exercise. This will burn off unnecessary fat by raising your heart rate.
If by chance you hate cardio exercises, it's okay. There are plenty of variations out there that differ from the normal mindset. Don't be afraid to shop around and find the right one for you. Choose the one that is the most appealing. The more excited you are to do it, the easier this particular workout will be.
Each one of these can be the best way to lose fat, but you can't forget about weight lifting. Even if you lift light weights you will boost your metabolism. This allows you to drop weight in a shorter period of time. Oh, and if you're worried about packing on too much muscle, just adjust the amount of weight you lift. You will be able to burn calories and still stay fit.
And, finally, I have to say consistency is among the most important components to losing weight. You need to make diet and exercise a consistent part of your lifestyle, this will ensure you keep your weight down without any yo-yo effect. Yes, believe it or not, the best way to lose fat is to make healthy living your new lifestyle.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Losing the Belly

Max made the decision to lose some weight a few weeks ago. He has two toddlers and found it really hard to find time for exercise. But he's managed to do it and his belt size has already gone from 38 to 34.

See his story here.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Best Diet for 2010?

Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the best diet of them all?

The Daily Beast has done a statistical analysis of the top 10 diets where clinical results are available and have ranked these diets in order of effectiveness. See their slideshow of the 10 best diets.

You may be surprised to hear that the #1 most effective diet is not Jenny Craig, not Weight Watchers or Atkins. It may be one you've never heard of. It's called Volumetrics.

This diet focuses on eating lots of foods which have a high water content. This means lots and lots of vegetables and soups.

With Volumetrics you can literally eat many pounds of food each day. What I had for dinner last night would be a good example. I was eating alone, so I steamed a big bunch of kale, then added a a can of broccoli soup (250 calories) to give it more taste. This was really nice as was, and I had two huge bowls of it (with a calorie total of probably less than 350?).

(Since some of you may consider this a bit too granola head overboard, i'll just add as a sidenote that in my case i also mixed in a couple of tablespoons of nutritional yeast (which is one of the most nutritious foods, and is quite a bit more tasty than Brewer's yeast. It has tons of protein and B Vitamins).

Check out the The Volumetrics book on Amazon. It sells for $6.99

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The WiFi Scale

Here's a neat idea for a weight scale. It's the first WiFi scale that connects to the internet to automatically register your weight, fat and BMI calculations.

We first heard about it via a Leo Laporte podcast. He was very impressed with it and has attached it to his tweets on Twitter so that each morning when he steps on the scale, an automatic tweet goes out about his current weight.

The scale is rated five star on Amazon, but it's not cheap at $159. See it here Withings WiFi Body Scale at Amazon.
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